Friday, July 01, 2011

Nothing Coherent Here

God, I love this song.  For whatever reason, it just occurred to me that I can use Youtube - so I'm listening to Champion in Me by Three Doors Down.  Honestly, the best lyrics ever. 

"When the others cower, I'm in my finest hour,
We are champions created by design,
While I remember falling, I hear these dreams keep calling,
I work so hard, so long, I'll take what is mine  "

Anyhow, that's an aside.  I DON'T WANT TO LEAVE FRANCE.  I'm going to have to come back with my bicycle.  Speaking of bicycling, my bum is sore.  I rode 30 kilometres last night, and then 20 km more this morning when I woke up.  That's 50 kilometres in a 16 hour period, if anyone's counting.  Which I'm sure would be fine, if I had done any cycling at all in the past 2 weeks.  I haven't cycled since Amiens. 

So yeah.  My bum is sore. 

...and I'm sunburnt.  Did I mention I don't want to leave France?  Ever?

I will tell you about Mont Saint-Michel tomorrow.  I'm sunburnt, and tired, and I taste like tuna because I was dumb and decided to try pizza with fish in it.  Fish, blerr. 

PS:  I ordered mead with my lunch today.  Yeah - how awesome is that.